Easy Riders Cycling Club
If you enjoy getting out into the Sussex countryside on your bike, then read on...
For those of us that can, there are not many forms of exercise that give us as many benefits as cycling. It's a fact. Low impact so easy on the joints, good for your heart health, muscle strength, bone strength and also joint mobility. And of course the best bit is getting out in the the fresh air and having a lot of fun while all the good health benefits take care of themselves! That is why we have started a cycling club.
Around 20 miles over a 3 hour time slot, these rides are properly guided and always including a coffee stop! There are hills (this is Sussex so unavoidable!) but the pace is set to be comfortable for everyone and there are stops for breathers regularly. The surface is mainly tarmac and quiet country roads. Whether you have an electric bike or a standard bike, if you like getting out, seeing some truly beautiful scenery in an organised, guided route, then get in touch.
WHERE : Various starting points around Horsham district - you need to be able to transport your bike to the start point (or cycle it there!)
WHEN : About every 3 weeks from March to end October. See the Timetable & Dates page for details.
PARKING : There will always be a parking option wherever the rides start.
ESSENTIAL INFORMATION : Download the Ride Guidance and What to Bring guides, and please familiarise yourself with them before you ride!
FEES : Currently, annual subs to join HSCP is £25 which includes access to all of our activities, except Walking Football. Come and try before you need to join. All money goes towards organisation of the activities and upkeep of the facilities - we are a non-profit making organisation.
Interested? For more information, please contact us here, or email us at: info@