Match Report – Broadbridge Heath vs Hills Farm Lane

Friday 26th October 2018, Broadbridge Heath astroturf. Broadbridge Heath 4 – 2 FC Hills Farm Lane Vets HT – 1-1 Tom Redman Chris Goulder Dan Creasey Tommy Burnside Sean Costello Mark Etheridge Rob Flynn (2) Gareth Jones Dan Evershed Dan Purchase Chris Lord Subs Trev Evershed Warren Higgins Gareth Fox After a few years break […]

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We need your votes!!

WE NEED YOUR VOTE !  PLEASE HELP! A lot of us at HSCP have worked incredibly hard to build a new football pitch at the TD Shipley site.  This pitch is much needed by the local community for junior football in particular but also to support other ages. To finish it off, we have made […]

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HSCP Chatter, October

Click the blue button to download the latest HSCP Chatter. The Chatter is our regular Newsletter with updates on the various activities at the project.  Let us know if there is anything you would like to see in the Newslettter, and suggestions / comments are always welcome!  Happy reading.

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Newspaper Report about us with HDC!

Since the new CEO of Horsham District Council, Glen Chipp, came to see what was happening at the project a couple of weeks ago, we have now got two fab write-ups on the County Times and District Post this week!  Read the text of the article below.Thanks to everyone who came to support us on […]

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walking football footgolf

Walking football plays Footgolf!

On 21st September Gary organised for a team from the Walking Footballers to join in a Foot Golf charity event run by a local organisation called Just Different. Various local organisation entered teams for this annual event, and it was well supported by local businesses who donated funds and raffle prizes.  Our footballers (who called […]

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Match Report – Hills Farm Lane vs Galaxy Vets 

Worthing & Horsham District Sunday League – vets Division. Sunday 7th October 2018, Shipley Football Field. Hills Farm Lane Vets 5 – 3 FC Galaxy Vets HT – 2-2 Benjamin Ferguson Daecon Leggatt Shaun Eldridge Darron Mitchell (Captain & Player Manager) Richard Bramwell Liam Kelly Gareth Jones Harry New Tomek Eichler Dan Purchase (1) Karim […]

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Prostate Cancer Awareness competitions

As part of Prostate Cancer UK Walking Football Month, the walking football session on Tuesday included a short fund and awareness-raising “Beat The Goalie” competition and “Cross-bar Challenge”! Richard clinched it to beat the goalie, and out of 40 shots only Ian and Bob could hit the bar! Keep practising lads and ladies! Importantly we raised £98 for the cause […]

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Horsham District Council visiting

On Friday 5th October we have the pleasure of a visit from the new CEO of Horsham District Council – Glen Chipp. Glen will be visiting at around 10:45 for a short time, to see what is happening at the Project. The petanquers will be there, and the Men’s Shed will be open. We also […]

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Shipley Community Project Logo

HSCP Chatter, September

Click the button to download the latest HSCP Chatter. The Chatter is our regular Newsletter with updates on the various activities at the project.  Let us know if there is anything you would like to see in the Newslettter, and suggestions / comments are always welcome!  Happy reading.

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Darron Mitchell - Striker

New HFL Vets League Manager

After an exciting, successful 2017-18 season for the Hills Farm Lane Veterans Club, Murph has decided to stand down from leading the league team, and has handed over to Darron Mitchell.  Darron is an experienced local team Manager, and is also one of the pillars of our vets team!  We all wish Darron and the […]

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